🌟 Welcome to "Well, at least that works" Webring! 🌟 Join the journey of seamless functionality, creative ingenuity and security! Explore a web of reliability and innovation. ✨ Click your way through the wonders of waltw! 🚀

Heya, this is Waltw!

The Webring you might need

Waltw is the small little Webring that doesn't aim for much attention and overly complicated rules. At Waltw, you can connect simply by adding a little banner + link to the footer or somewhere index of your page, showing that you are a great friend to everyone!

We love Websites in a dark design (e.g., Dark Mode), but with a neat secondary color to your liking. Like this here is pink, and this here is orange! Do you get it?

None of this is 100% necessary though. You can do whatever you want; this is just preferred, and you should at least provide an optional theme that fits our ring!

We want to build a Webring that, when users see a site in it, they immediately trust it as a good site! Good for you too, isn't it?

Verified Participants:


We don't have many rules since we want you to have a lot of freedom! But still, we need to make some rules because not every website is a good Website.

  1. Functional Websites Only: Only websites that are fully functional and accessible to visitors will be accepted into the waltw Webring. Websites with password protection to continue, for example, are not allowed. A need for login/registering is allowed though, but not needed.
  2. No Broken Links: All links within member sites must be operational and lead to the intended destinations.
  3. Original Content: Plagiarism or unauthorized use of copyrighted material is not permitted.
  4. Respectful Interaction: Members are expected to engage with fellow Webring participants in a respectful and courteous manner, both within the Webring and on each other's websites.
  5. Webring Badge: Members must prominently display the waltw Webring badge preferably in their website's footer or somewhere on the index to indicate their participation in the Webring.
  6. Compatible Theme: Websites should align with the overall theme of the waltw Webring, focusing on a dark, not too modern, and not too old design. The best range is 2000-2020s. Websites that just look old, like old beepworld sites, for example, just don't fit. But as a reference: The Design on ChatGPT's website is great!
  7. Non-Discriminatory Content: Member sites must not contain any content that promotes discrimination, hatred, or violence based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.
  8. Family-Friendly: Content should be suitable for at least ages from 16 years or older. Websites containing overly 18+ adult content or explicit material are not permitted in the waltw Webring. The best is allowance for all ages though.
  9. Compliance with Laws: Member sites must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including those related to privacy, data protection, and intellectual property rights.
  10. Advertisements: Ads on your site and even payments or subscriptions are completely allowed if not overused. But don't worry, we'll tell you if it's too much.

Pro-Contra List for waltw

Pros Neutrals Cons
Provides a platform for showcasing secure websites Doesn't use the stereotypical new next/previous links. Instead redirects to a random partner. Maintenance of the webring and verification process may be time-consuming
Encourages collaboration and networking among website owners List of participants Needs a dark eye-friendly design (At least as an option).
Can increase traffic and visibility for member websites Requires high security standards. Requires ongoing moderation to ensure quality and relevance
Both personal, non-commercial, and production, commercial Websites are allowed! Doesn't need to be a useful website.
No matter your Host, if it is Neocities, an own VPS, or some free-poor quality hosting: Everything is okay.
Since the main focus is security, even a little ghost just flying around your screen as a Website would be allowed!
You can fully decide the reason of your website, if it's some AI-Chat, a Forum, just a personal site, a site full of tools, you are eligible!

So, how can I join?

Just fill out this Form! You'll be verified then manually by us.

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