
Full Version: Snake!
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Exclamation There's a snake going around since last months, that seems to try to hack various Websites. The IP is and is already registered as an Abuse-IP in the AbuseIPDB. That IP also accessed this forum, but don't worry, your Data is always save at our Forum, and we already performed an IP-Ban for this malicious snake.

We just wanted to inform you, to save yourself from those Bots.
(01.05.2024 17:02)Thrilltech Wrote: [ -> ]Exclamation There's a snake going around since last months, that seems to try to hack various Websites. The IP is and is already registered as an Abuse-IP in the AbuseIPDB. That IP also accessed this forum, but don't worry, your Data is always save at our Forum, and we already performed an IP-Ban for this malicious snake.

We just wanted to inform you, to save yourself from those Bots.

Thank you for the information!